i see so many people claiming to be working for the Lord but being so accusatory and judgmental that they might as well not be trying at all. i know that when i was atheist, i was turned off by the majority of christians because they were so impatient and condescending. it’s like, you can’t just expect to convert someone by telling them they’re going to Hell. they don’t even believe in Hell. you can’t rip down someone’s beliefs and expect them to leap right into yours. that’s not how it works. anyone who is strong enough to develop their own opinions deserves the respect those opinions should generate.i read this over and i had to re-blog. it hurts me to agree with this, but i most certainly do. the truth is, most non-believers are non-believers because the people who do believe do not live or interact with people in a way that mirrors the love of God at all. often times you meet Christians and they are some of the most pride filled group of people, at least from my experiences. i’ve also encountered a lot of external Christians. the ones that are boastful about their status of being a saved soul and condemn every one else for not being one and separate themselves from sinners. i even use to go to a church when i was much younger where i was eventually bullied out of it by other girls in the youth groups i was in. i’ve stayed away from churches, but i’ve met a lot of genuinely good people. people with hearts and humility that is sometimes overwhelming. and for awhile, i was even hesitant to ever share with anyone what denomination i was apart of whenever i was asked. i think sometimes people get so caught up in doctrine and creating rules to leave people out, not because they want to push people out, but just so that they can fill like they’re in. so they can have something to point at and say there we’re different from them and so we are with God and they are not. we forget sometimes and i think shouting you’re going to hell at someone is about the worst possible thing that you can do. how about living a life that is a demonstration of all the things you believe in. how about showing people what sacrificial love is instead of just shoving words and commandments down their throat? i mean sure, all of that is important and i respect that Christianity is what it is and it has rules and guidelines . i didn’t come to believe in God because someone sat me down and read to me until i believed that he was real. i came to believe that he was real because i believed in Him and had interactions with people whose lives and character showed that to me. you should never give your life meaning by belittling someone else’s life. i believe we are all the same, and i believe the Christian Bible teaches just that, that through God’s eyes we are all one in the same. and sure, every church is different and every Christian is different, which is why i believe so strongly in having personal convictions. step outside of your church and go show people what God is really about. love people like you do not know how to do anything else. how about actually giving because you genuinely believe in giving and do not worry about receiving? how about making friends with sinners? sitting inside your “perfect” home and “perfect” life isn’t helping you and it isn’t helping the God that you believe in so strongly. understand that it is always and have always been much bigger than you. faith happens in trust. you are responsible for demonstrating God’s love and faith and mercy and grace if you have been blessed with it. it matters. i cannot even begin to explain how much it matters. how about love? really actively loving someone and anyone and doing it in a way that does not compromise your soul. you are right and i am wrong has never led people to an agreement. and i am not asking you to be passive. i am asking you to be bold. be bold in love and be passionate. if you are really as radically changed and as personally convicted on His love as you say you are, then live as if you are. God is about love, i’ve never seen anyone not drawn to love. love and live as Jesus did, that’s the whole point of this right?
Psycho Culture

February 7, 2011
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People who threaten with hell after death only needed to visit a battlefield to see that there is enough hell on earth. I agree with your arguments ... but you should take into account that the only true denomination can be only Catholic ;-) *just kidding*