See this Amp at
Psycho Culture

February 22, 2011
February 21, 2011
10 Reasons Gay Marriage is Wrong
This is great...says it all in a very logical way... people open your narrow little minds!!
See this Amp at
February 20, 2011
The Five Stages of Embalming
1. Pre-Embalming
At anytime, day or night, the funeral professional may be called upon to do his or her job. People have a tendency to die at the most inconvenient times, and a mortician cannot wait until later to retrieve a body. This means lots of getting up at 1 AM and having to work on holidays.
When someone dies and once authorization has been granted by the family, doctor, and/or by the medical examiner, the embalmer is called to make the “removal” of the body. After filling out the appropriate paperwork the embalmer takes the body to the funeral home, and if embalming is requested or required, begins the process.
An embalming report is filled out that logs all jewelry and personal items on the body; details any discolorations, cuts, bruises, etc. on the body; and documents the procedures and chemicals used during embalming. This report can become very valuable if a deceased’s family bring a lawsuit against the funeral home.
All clothing, bandages, IV needles, catheters and such are removed. A strong disinfectant spray is used to clean the skin, eyes, mouth, and other orifices. If rigor mortis (the stiffening of muscles after death) has set in, it is relieved by moving the limbs and head about and massaging the muscles. If the decedent is a man, he is normally shaved at this point. Razor burn (yes, not even death can save you from this) is less likely before the arterial chemical firms the skin of the face. Even women and children are shaved to remove the fine “peach fuzz” we all have on our faces. This is done to avoid the makeup from collecting on the hair and making the makeup more noticeable.
2. Feature Setting
Next begins the process of placing the facial features and the body itself in the position it will remain in the casket for viewing. This is done before arterial embalming, because the body will be truly “set” – firmed in position once formaldehyde reaches the tissues.
Great care is taken to close the eyes. The traditional method for doing this involves placing a bit of cotton between the eye and eyelid. Many times after death the eyes sink back into their sockets, so small plastic “eye caps” are placed on each eye ball. A small amount of stay creme is placed on the eyecap to avoid dehydration of the eyelids. Contrary to popular myth, the eyelids are never sewn shut, but in some cases that may be glued together to prevent separation.
The mouth is closed either by tying the jaw together with a piece of suture string or by a special injector gun. With the suture method, a curved needle with a piece of suture string is threaded through the jaw below the gums, stuck through upper jaw into to the right nostril, threaded through the septum of the nose into the left nostril, and then passed back down into the mouth. The two ends of suture are tied, careful not too tightly, so that a natural appearance of the mouth is created.
To finish closing the mouth, many times a mouth former is used. A mouth former is similar to an eyecap as it has a textured side that grips the lips, but it is shaped like the mouth. A small amount of stay creme is also used on the mouth to avoid dehydration and help hold the lips in place. The mortician may also squeeze inside the mouth a little mastic compound, a paste kind of like caulk to give the mouth a better and more pleasing shape.
3. Arterial Embalming
Arterial embalming is begun by injecting embalming fluid into an artery while the blood is drained from a nearby vein or from the heart. The two gallons or so needed is usually a mixture of formaldehyde or other chemical and water. In the case of certain cancers, some diabetic conditions, or because of the drugs used prior to death (where body deterioration has already begun), a stronger or “waterless” solution is likely to be used for better body preservation. Chemicals are also injected by syringe into other areas of the body.
Once the embalming fluid begins to flow into the arterial system, pressure begins to build up in the entire vascular system. This helps the fluid reach all parts of the body and penetrate into the tissues. Evidence of this can be seen in bulging veins throughout the body. The jugular drain tube is opened periodically (it is normally closed) to allow blood to escape and prevent too much pressure in the vascular system which could cause swelling. The blood drains directly into the sewer system, which sounds gross, but in reality much worse things go into our sewers.
Once arterial injection has been completed, the arterial and jugular tubes are removed, the vessels are tied closed, and the incision used to access the vessels is sutured closed and sealed with a special chemical.
4. Cavity Embalming
Arterial fluids mainly treat the skin, muscles, and organs themselves. What’s inside the organs (such as urine, bile, etc.) begins to decompose. Gases and bacteria can build up and cause distention, odor, and purge (such as brown fluids coming out of the mouth – not exactly the way you want to remember grandma). These bacteria can sometimes spread to other parts of the body, even after arterial embalming, causing decomposition problems (and then sometimes legal problems for the funeral home).
Cavity treatment starts with aspirating (suctioning) fluids out of the internal organs in the abdomen and thoracic cavity. This is accomplished this with the use of a trocar. The embalmer uses it to puncture the stomach, bladder, large intestines, and lungs. Gas and fluids are withdrawn before “cavity fluid” (a stronger mix of formaldehyde) is injected into the torso. The anus and vagina may be packed with cotton or gauze to prevent seepage if necessary. (A close-fitting plastic garment may also be used.)
These steps apply only to a body that has not been autopsied. During autopsy all the internal organs are removed and inspected by the medical examiner and then placed back inside the body or sometimes incinerated. At the funeral home, the mortician removes the viscera and places it in a plastic bag called a “viscera bag” and allows it to soak in cavity chemical. The inside of the body cavity is aspirated with a special instrument and then coated with an embalming gel and/or an embalming powder. The treated organs are then placed back inside the body or the bag full of organs gets placed at the foot end of the casket (so never try to admire a deceased’s shoes!)
5. Post-Embalming
The body and hair are washed once more to remove any blood or chemicals and then thoroughly dried. Any restorations are done now, such as rebuilding features, masking sores or abrasions, etc. Makeup gets applied to the face, neck, and hands. Either a translucent makeup is used in normal cases or an opaque makeup is applied if the skin is discolored. In either case, the effect should be a subtle as possible to avoid Uncle Roger looking like Aunt Rose. The fingernails are trimmed. The hair is styled, either by the embalmer or by a professional hairdresser or barber.
The remains are dressed in the outfit chosen by the family. This outfit almost always includes underwear, shoes, and socks. In the case of autopsy or other difficulties, plastic undergarments are placed on the body to prevent leakage.
Finally comes casketing. The body is placed into the casket and posed in the proper position. The family normally views the body at this point and decides on any changes that need to be made. During the viewing period (which can sometimes last for several days) the embalmer will periodically check the body for signs of decomposition and takes any corrective action.
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February 7, 2011
Feminist Resolutions for 2011Honestly I’m against making resolutions for myself and I have a lot of other goals that I need achieved before even thinking about this sort of stuff, so this is mostly a reblog for my followers to check out and consider making a feminist resolution list for themselves.
- Speak up, stand up for myself and others, and always ask questions
- Read feminist zines
- Educate myself, and inform others about why feminism is relevant
- Smash the patriarchy
- DIY, recycle, and buy local
- Be a riot grrrl
- Fight all oppression I encounter
- Participate in consciousness-raising
- Combat rape culture
- Love my body and encourage others to love theirs
- Boycott, resist, and protest when the situation calls for it
- Maintain awareness of the ways race, class, gender, and sexuality intersect
- Analyze my motivations and be proud of my choices
- Volunteer at a domestic violence shelter or as a clinic escort
- Validate my fears and feelings
- Listen, support, and love
What are some of your feminist resolutions
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i see so many people claiming to be working for the Lord but being so accusatory and judgmental that they might as well not be trying at all. i know that when i was atheist, i was turned off by the majority of christians because they were so impatient and condescending. it’s like, you can’t just expect to convert someone by telling them they’re going to Hell. they don’t even believe in Hell. you can’t rip down someone’s beliefs and expect them to leap right into yours. that’s not how it works. anyone who is strong enough to develop their own opinions deserves the respect those opinions should generate.i read this over and i had to re-blog. it hurts me to agree with this, but i most certainly do. the truth is, most non-believers are non-believers because the people who do believe do not live or interact with people in a way that mirrors the love of God at all. often times you meet Christians and they are some of the most pride filled group of people, at least from my experiences. i’ve also encountered a lot of external Christians. the ones that are boastful about their status of being a saved soul and condemn every one else for not being one and separate themselves from sinners. i even use to go to a church when i was much younger where i was eventually bullied out of it by other girls in the youth groups i was in. i’ve stayed away from churches, but i’ve met a lot of genuinely good people. people with hearts and humility that is sometimes overwhelming. and for awhile, i was even hesitant to ever share with anyone what denomination i was apart of whenever i was asked. i think sometimes people get so caught up in doctrine and creating rules to leave people out, not because they want to push people out, but just so that they can fill like they’re in. so they can have something to point at and say there we’re different from them and so we are with God and they are not. we forget sometimes and i think shouting you’re going to hell at someone is about the worst possible thing that you can do. how about living a life that is a demonstration of all the things you believe in. how about showing people what sacrificial love is instead of just shoving words and commandments down their throat? i mean sure, all of that is important and i respect that Christianity is what it is and it has rules and guidelines . i didn’t come to believe in God because someone sat me down and read to me until i believed that he was real. i came to believe that he was real because i believed in Him and had interactions with people whose lives and character showed that to me. you should never give your life meaning by belittling someone else’s life. i believe we are all the same, and i believe the Christian Bible teaches just that, that through God’s eyes we are all one in the same. and sure, every church is different and every Christian is different, which is why i believe so strongly in having personal convictions. step outside of your church and go show people what God is really about. love people like you do not know how to do anything else. how about actually giving because you genuinely believe in giving and do not worry about receiving? how about making friends with sinners? sitting inside your “perfect” home and “perfect” life isn’t helping you and it isn’t helping the God that you believe in so strongly. understand that it is always and have always been much bigger than you. faith happens in trust. you are responsible for demonstrating God’s love and faith and mercy and grace if you have been blessed with it. it matters. i cannot even begin to explain how much it matters. how about love? really actively loving someone and anyone and doing it in a way that does not compromise your soul. you are right and i am wrong has never led people to an agreement. and i am not asking you to be passive. i am asking you to be bold. be bold in love and be passionate. if you are really as radically changed and as personally convicted on His love as you say you are, then live as if you are. God is about love, i’ve never seen anyone not drawn to love. love and live as Jesus did, that’s the whole point of this right?
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Grotesque Act 1
This theatre smells of iron, cologne
smoke and lost hope
an audience that stinks of aging privilege
still they gather for the macabre performance
The stench holds you so your impulses
are like those of kissable puddles
what do you know
unreason fornicating with itself?
You are so heavy, not like me
are you nothing but chemistry
with a twisted sense of humor?
Let your chemicals elope
oh why bother
you are not so interesting
you are too much, or not enough
really all they have to do is fuck
will that satisfy your funk-wet wings?
Your show has the stench of urine
Who knows the difference between desecration and redemption?
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