Sometimes I feel like the one of my species on the planet. I come from planet kick ass, and frankly this rock sucks. I get up this morning and I spit blood in the sink as I punch my skull, I feel angry.
When I was young, the use to call me the Sundance Kid. I use to run naked in the streets and the neighbors all thought there was something wrong with me. Our Florida winters weren't really all that cold, but I was getting ready for the future, I knew it was going to be a cold one.
I have loved and I have hated and I have hated what I have loved. I have known better and loved anyway I have known less and still I have loved. I will take love anyway any day, but love is not easy never kind, love just is. But my ex-wife is an exception to this rule. She tries to attack me intellectually, says I am primitive. Like a caveman, a big dumb animal. I'd like to argue with her-- but I know I have always felt the urge to grab her hair and double fuck her with a dildo shaped rock. When we were highschool sweethearts and I took her virginity after our prom, I wanted to reach through her and rip out her uterus like a trophy. These thoughts go through my head as I just grunt and hang up the phone. Honestly she is the reason I am all for legalized murder.
Mornings like this it usually smells like desperation and day old vomit. I am headed to the 7/11 for a newspaper and coffee. A mexican who looks like he just got off from every night job on the planet walks past me as I enter the store. The cashier does not realize she is perhaps my best friend. I talk to her every morning. She is fucked up, was raped by her stepdad since she was thirteen til she finally left home. I've walked with her after her shift on some mornings. She doesn't talk to most guys so I feel we are soul mates. I don't talk to most humans. She is all white and too thin with heroin eyes-- I think she is the most beautiful creature-- she probably comes from a planet of roses and rainbows. Her name is Molly.
Today Molly wants to come over. She has seen her stepdad outside of the 7/11 and she is crazy upset. So, we walk back to my place and I invite her in. She asks to use the bathroom, than comes out in skimpy panties and a t-shirt, her 7/11 uniform lays discarded on the bathroom floor. She wants to go lie down in the bedroom and for me to hold her. I take her into the bedroom where we have sex and than fall asleep, her too small little white body all curled up next to mine. When I wake up she is gone and I wonder if she was ever really here or just part of my dream.
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