Psycho Culture

Psycho Culture

November 1, 2010


I remember the wicked men of our past
The ones we used to seduce and fuck
In misguided attempts to get what we want
We took risks and hung out in sleazy bars
Went to drive-ins and made out in the backseat of cars
We cruised dick with a violent fever
A hunger like vampires raged forever

I know the same losers now as than
My personal road of hate washed in sin
Of what could have been if not for them
and the scars tattooed on my heart
Of too many lies, rancid stench of desperate good-bye's

So what if everyone thought we were cool
We were whores murdering our souls
With chemicals and porn, cigarettes and orgies
We jazzed  the summer we made the rules
Now it's winter-- we are junkies and fools

Tomorrow lays in the destiny of yesterday
Dreams bled of festering indifference
Rotted and died along the streets where we stay
Youth infected too soon with viral angst and hate
Dormant malignant dread was the fence
Around our putrid soul and we learned too late
The worthless wrong of our existence


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