Psycho Culture

Psycho Culture

August 24, 2010

Tumblr Challenge

Image representing Tumblr as depicted in Crunc...Image via CrunchBase

Day 1 {Tumblr Challenge}

* Surfer. searching for the source
* year of the dragon/scorpio **most volatile/passionate mix
* I murdered my life seven years ago… just trying to find redemption
* Gunslinger—walk the path of the warrior
* Lone wolf {extremely shy & private}
* I was forgotten
* I love books, music, odd & curious things
* Have a teddy bear “Boo”
* Love my firefly and butterfly—-miss them very much
* cruelty offends my soul
* hope to write a novel
* would rather be nude
* In love with a guy who I haven’t seen for too long—wish he’d find me
* I know that monsters are real—- they live inside me
* Would like to teach the world to just groove

Posted at 5:02 PM Permalink ∞
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August 23, 2010

Metaphysic Jism

Mihály Zichy: (Masturbation) 1911, copper engr...Image via Wikipedia
{ mental masturbation }

I can't stop moving
my mind I'm losing
I never believe the things
that I see
I'm redeemed by the demons in my dreams
My soul is full
of crazy wicked things


Circle Jerk & Venom

Visual representation of The double-aspect the...Image via Wikipedia
I invite you to paddle along with me on a stream of consciousness.  Round and round we'll go...where we will end up? Fuck if I know.

This piece will be entirely artless, lacking in any significant form, just you and me and whoever wants to join in~~~ this world wide circle jerk we all so cheerfully inhabit.

It took seven years of being alone to finally convince myself I was alone.

Seven years ago I had a life that I murdered. It took seven years to convince myself that it was dead.

I was never really convinced myself that it was dead.  I just pretended to myself=lie to myself.....

Can I Get a Shot of Desperation, Please??

I flick my cigarette out of the window and divert my attention from the road for a moment to watch the colorful sunset, purples and oranges so brilliant, surely Monet would weep. It’s a typical Sunday evening and I’m headed to the same hole-in-the-wall bar that I always go to.  I jaywalk across the street, stay true to my schedule and take my usual position at the end of the bar…just in time for happy hour.
This routine has become mundane, but it’s the only logical solution I have for how to cope with this town’s and everyone’s mediocrity. I swivel from side to side in my barstool, sipping on my second whiskey sour, while doodling on a  napkin. Once again, the bartender misinterprets my flirting. In reality, my forced bedroom eyes and lyrical laughter are simply ploys to get free drinks…and like always, I will pay not a tab, but leave a hefty tip. I guess we will both get something out of this game. Plus, it’s quite apparent I could use, and thoroughly enjoy, the ego boost his not so clever pick up lines give me.
I light up another Camel light (why would you bother smoking anything else but a turkish blend?), and watch puffs of smoke orbit around my skin like fairy dust as I take a long, hard drag.  Is this what my life has amounted to? Sitting alone at the bar desperately hoping anything remotely thrilling will occur? Hell, I’d be ecstatic if a wannabe thug wearing an oversized G-unit t-shirt barged in and shot up the place right now, even if he took me out in the process.
I want a change of pace. I need to feel something other than annoyance or apathy again. I crave what I have not experienced in so long, something that I fear I will never have again; genuine happiness.


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August 15, 2010

You Suck!!

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Mermaid out of Water

Broken Dance

It's too long to wait
for you to stay
so I just hold on
to today

Wanting what I wouldn't say
is what I wanted
you to know
without words


Gut pain
Same day
Some say
I don't play
So let them
Just pray
For all the words
To call  us
Ok? Not today

I thought you were true
So totally cool
I had no clue
That you could be
So very cruel

I was blind
To the infection
Of your mind
The toxic injection
Of oozing sleaze
Pointing to you
As the disease
The cruel shade of blue
That left it's mark
Tattooed on me
Alone in the dark
Adrift at sea


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  • quotes of note

    All shall be well,
    and all shall be well,
    and all manner of things
    shall be well.
    ~dame julian of norwich
    It is not because
    things are difficult
    that we do not dare;
    it is because
    we do not dare
    that things are difficult.
    ~ seneca

August 14, 2010


diagram of particular judgmentImage via Wikipedia
    I  guess I'm an atheist. It's taken me a while to arrive at that conclusion. It's also been a very thought provoking understanding.
    I don't believe that atheism is counter to spirituality. What I mean by it is that I don't think there's a God up in Heaven keeping a little playbook of who does what to whom.
    I also don't believe in an afterlife. I think we get one life - the one that we've got.
    I think it's a beautiful gift. I think it's crushingly sad how we often waste it. Wars of belief. Playing silly games with "money". Living in support of "societies" instead of individuals. Pretending that fame is somehow important and deserving of wealth. Pretending that fame is proof of value. Pretending that things are more important than lives.
    I think the universe is vast and beautiful. I find it fascinating how we live in this reality that just gets bigger and bigger the farther out you look, and yet, when you look in, in at the cell, the molecule, the atom, the proton, the just gets bigger and bigger that way as well.
    It seems to me that everything, everything that matters, is made of the same stuff. We are all made of stars. Yet, somehow, there are rules and laws that make these vanishingly minute particles join with other particles, and other particles to form bigger and bigger, more and more complex systems, and ultimately we end up with the vastness and complexity and wonder of everything we are and everything we know - we are both different and yet similar to the most distant star we can conceive; we are both different and yet similar to every thing.
    That makes me wonder about those laws and rules - how do they get made? Is that the wonder and mystery?
    Or is it the continual combining of things into larger complex systems - cells to multicells, through generations to mammals, through generations to people, through generations to communities, then civilizations...dust to planets, planets to solar systems, systems to galaxies, galaxies to...well, what are we a part of? Do we serve a purpose in all of it? Are we doing it well? What will it all become? Does the thinking we do about all of this help? Are we a spleen, or a brain? At any rate, can there really be any justification for the way we try to destroy each other? For the way we treat our environment? For the ways we challenge our future generations with tasks they may not be able to rise to only to serve our own self interests?
    Not to me. But I also haven't got the slightest idea what to do about it.
    I'm secretly (well, or not) nervous about whether you're laughing at this right now.
    But if there's something that gives me hope, it's music. We reach across vast divides of culture and perception with our music. We participate in a wonderfully complex, beaut iful, strange system when we make music. And we show our deepest selves - our emotions, fears, wisdom, poetry, rules, logic, taxonomies... Harmonies. We get closer to something important. Don't you wish you knew what it was? I know I do.

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August 13, 2010

Fragments of Poetry


The most mysterious thing about poetry is that poets, even while lacking any prospect of reward or recognition, continue to find it satisfying to write.


What does it matter if there are poets and poems?


Smile, if only from politeness, at the one moment of the world that concerns you.


A poet only needs one poem, a poem only one reader.


A poets emotional signature is retained in the poem.


Poems haunting the precarious dialect between existence and extinction do not need it. Their magic is dependent on the private experience of seperate  individuals.


Poets whose readings lead us to believe ourselves part of  a spontaneous and instinctive consensus have left poetry behind. Perhaps for the better.


To poetry as elsewhere, nature isin't what it used to be.


The poem resists. It resists coming into being. It resists eloquence. It resists transmitting unpleasant or embarrassing knowledge. It resists grammatical constraints. It resists moving from away from simple utterance. It resists revision.  It resists completion.  It resists success. Hopefully the poet resists as well.


Poetry in the abstract, offends no one.


A word can be a seed of which an entire poem grows


A poet is buried in the obliterated whiteness beneath the dark letters of the the poem.


August 2, 2010

When You Raise Your Frequency

Complete spectrum of electromagnetic radiation...Image via Wikipedia

When you raise your frequency....
You move your frequency signature-- soul note-- to a higher harmonic-- you resonate to higher faster moving light energy.  Often, you hear tones.
The music you listen to-- is of a differnet harmonic.
Things beyond the third dimension call to you.

You become more aware of digital triggers - 11:11 -  333 --- seeing them more often.
You see and hear signs everywhere - such as a song played on the radio or something on TV that brings an immediate message. You might see a message on a billboard - the liscense plates of the car in front of you -- clouds or rainbows patterns in the sky -- stars that twinkle as if a signal -- the messages are all around you if you just  "Look".

The synchronicities in your life increase and you understand the "bigger" picture of what your soul is trying to say to you....

You realize there are no accidents. You are attracting the events in your life.
You allow events to unfold as the best things that happen to you happen by synchronicity.
You attract people int o your life who are of "like mind"-- their goals similiar to yours. The nature of your friendships change.

People often bore you with their issues.

There is a sense that you are not from "here"-- perhaps another planet or realm whose memories are surfacing at times in meditations or dreams. STARSEEDS TAKE THE QUIZ!

You sense that you are on a journey or soon will be taking a journey away from the physical planet.

You do not see yourself ever getting old, sick, or dying --- as if you will ascend or leave.

You have a desire to write a book. We all have a story to tell, it is our experience's already written but you want to see how it ends.

The books you read, websites you search, are all about metaphysics-- healing your soul-- and searching for your mission.

Your sense of mission a feeling of urgency-- is ever present.

You feel a sense of completion of 3D Karma and a need to move into higher thought.

Your life takes a new direction which feels better than ever before. You sense that this is what you have been waiting for all your life -- something that has always been missing -- but will not be shown.

You get glimpses of other realities -- experience temporal distortions -- your psychic abilities increase.

You feel the energy changes on the grids on many levels.

You feel sleepy and tired more often as you body adjusts the higher frequency.  This is followed by a period of high energy and euphoria. Many people are feeling happy but they don't know why!!!

You become more aware of those who have crossed over-- when they are around and can communicatewith them with your thoughts and in a dream time.
The symbols you have seen in your thoughts and dreams -- the patterns you have doodled on paper or created into your art work -- now have meaning.

They are the keys to remembering your mission!

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