Psycho Culture

Psycho Culture

October 31, 2010

Blah, Blah, Blah

Taraxacum lyratum on Raft Mountain, Wells Gray...Image via Wikipedia
dandelions and other things
i lay in the sunshine
let you inside me
colors and pixie stix
lollipop screams
when i was young i thought my
life was arbitrary, now i
am thirty-two and my philosophies remain
the same-- hey what's today? what's
your name? there are secret fears, raindrops
and tears too great they fill me never
aristotle once said, i meant to quote
him here but shit, blah, blah
blah, blah, blah, blah, blah
blah, blah, blah

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Hey Monster
They say your sexy
A real manhunter

Beautiful Monster
I see you looking at me

~~So, Monster
What do you see?
A girl who maybe drank
Too much liquor?

Beautiful Monster
Why aren't you smiling?

Neither am I
Are you hating me
And do you concur
That your just like me
Why must you lure
Them into your world
If your not happy? Maybe you'd prefer
To not be a Monster
And just be her?

If you weren't just my reflection
Would you still be a Monster
     Or just me?
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October 8, 2010

Part II Conversation with Jason Morgan aka {Dirk Diggler--porn star extraordinaire}

Construct-DestructImage via Wikipedia

Me:  I believe in hedonism as the one and only path to enlightenment.  It's my personal road to Zion.

Jason {Dirk}:  The drag of my cigarette, the taste of this wine, the speed up my nose...

Me: The dick I am going to suck tonight is all that matters.  It's all I need to survive.  I believe in self destruction, not self improvement.

Jason {Dirk}:  In order to create you have to destroy?

Me:  It's like when Stef came in tonight, she had stubbed her toe and it's an open wound, bleeding everywhere, it's chaos. After a few days, that open wound is going to crust over, after that it will completely heal.  New Skin.  You've created order out of chaos.

Jason {Dirk}:  You've created something new, I get it, self destruction is a self finding process.

Me: You need pain in order to feel again.

Jason {Dirk}:  I believe that clothes, cars, jobs, social/educational statuses, money, fame, and the size of a cock in one's pants do not define a person.

Me:  I believe in pacifism, equal rights for woman and penis's, the LGBT community, and people with a different eye color.  I believe in loyalty as the most important character in  a person.  I believe in literature, music, film, art and love.  I believe in humanity.  

Stef yells at us, "Are you ready to go yet??"

{my trick is at motel six--the dick I am sucking tonight}

Do I dare disturb the Universe??  


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October 6, 2010

Jason Morgan as Dirk Diggler (Porn star extraordinaire)

Porn StarsImage via Wikipedia
 This is a short piece submitted by my eccentric, extremely strange friend, Jason Morgan aka Dirk Diggler.  Jason recently revealed his desire to become a middle aged porn star, and plans on pursuing this dream following the successful return from his quest to find a lost treasure...and what's a million between friends??

Quotes of Fleeb from Fleeberville - Porn the Ma,,,,ll

Porn and torn,
skinworn raw,
from fastness and from growing in ma
scapers salivate to mow the the new lawn
hot ed puss lore, walks through the door
with an all in sign,
for the front yard fountain that running behind,
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