Psycho Culture

Psycho Culture

January 25, 2011

o.o.OImage by ...anna christina... via Flickr
In time,
I think
I will be
just fine.
(if not
I'm finding
the wine)
Mental Health Awareness RibbonImage via Wikipedia
She sobbed until her nose ran and her throat was sore, and she hit her fist against the fragile black desk, cursing the day her thoughts had overridden her logic.   She sought help before she pulled the trigger and read that, "Suicide is not chosen, it happens when pain exceeds resources for coping." and these words brought her back to reality, and those words made her cry harder.

Death would not relieve her pain and pills could only do so much.  There was no escape from life, because even running away couldn't suffocate the guilt and anxiety, nor the sickness inside her head.  There was no hope except for the hopes and dreams of the future-- these were the things that kept her breathing.

She splashed her face with water and stared at herself in the mirror.  Her red nose, bloodshot eyes, cherry lips and thought about the future.  Than she put down the gun, returned the pills to the container, threw away the razor, stepped back from the cliff and walked away...and kept on living.

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Everything Goes NumbImage via Wikipedia
I can't even begin to describe to you what it's like to crave the ability to feel.  When your numb from what is supposed to be emotional devastation you wish more than anything to be allowed to feel the sadness instead of just sitting in a corner of your mind, observing the tragedy and admiring the beauty.

And than you turn on a piercing song that normally you wouldn't be able to hear without crumbling, yet all it does is make the moment more beautiful.  And you sit there and grip your head going insane with the lack of pain, lack of fear, lack of emotion.

It's reassuring.
Like a pulse.
It assures you that you're human.


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January 23, 2011



It's Just a Word

Schematic drawing of female reproductive organ...Image via Wikipedia
"No, the word itself is not “just ugly”; that’s the rhetoric of rationalisation, an irrational disgust glossed over with the spurious self-justification that it’s not a taboo, honest, just the aesthetics of the sounds. Cause, yeah, the word “country” really brings that knee jerk response out in us too, doesn’t it? No? No, it’s just a typical English word, like “punt” or “bunt,” “cant” or “count.” It’s not some perfect storm of phonic dissonance that just so happens to be attached to female genitalia. Cunt. What’s the big deal?"
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January 22, 2011


I absolutely adore this chick, her voice is amazing...
hey peeps, how is your weekend?  I am not that wonderful. I had mean dreams, but what is new?  I wake screaming most days, and I chase the monsters away.  I have battled before I even get out of bed. 

January 21, 2011

Double Trouble - love dont live here anymore

This song is so fucking fabulous and it takes me there. Just fucking groove you punks!!!

January 19, 2011

Favorite Words

Bless. kiss. poison. music. soul. epiphany. harmony. peace. stardust. shimmer.quixotic.seashell. moonlight. symphony. enigma. sapphire. felicity. synchronicity. serendipity. rogue. essence. nirvana. wickedosity. cinnamon. Zoe. Zion. whisper. dream. pearl.

10 Secrets

Hate (Sinister album)Image via Wikipedia
1.  I don't have a home.
2. There are mornings I hate my reflection. Other mornings I hate my own body.
3. I never cried at my father's funeral.
4. I wasn't there when my mom died.
5. My sister threw me away and ignores me.
6.  I was diagnosed bi polar, lupus, and wicked smart.
7. I am lost.
8. I hate for strangers to touch me.
9.  I am part mermaid.
10.  I miss Bode and Zoe so much it hurts.

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....when i saw you sitting there...

You were just a boy on a bed in a room like a kaleidoscope is a tube full of bits of broken glass.  But the way I saw you was pieces refracting the light, shifting into an infinite universe of fluorescent rainbows and insects and plants, magical dividing cells, pictures no one else knew.


COPS (TV series)Image via Wikipedia
Who you trying to inmpress?
Just noise 
Lacking order
No real color or taste
{so what are you doing?}
Shades of your twisted tongue
on/off, hot/cold, go/come
Lies all shiny
Wannabe for brotherhood
With fuck you overtones
Porn shot through view
Sleazy low rent 
Motel rooms
Thinking about
Cops, snitch and FBI
Oh My
Going in circles
Head conflicted body
Numb to differnce
Of truth and lies
Brain rotted
Your fried
Just how
Did you become
Such a mess
You have sucked
The meat, blood and juice
From the bone
Tasted the flesh
Afraid to be alone
I know
People and chemicals
The stink of intensity
Aftertaste of intimacy
Viewing infinity
I want to be
Who I am
or die
But not you
So who are you
Trying to impress??

sb 1210
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Oz and its surroundings.Image via Wikipedia
Between  sleep and dreams
 where poet ninja's
  burn the past
   once again 
    and again
  fighting battles real and metaphysical
   chasing the monsters away
    before you wake
Breaking the chains that bind
 to the destructive patterns that repeat
Somewhere between freedom and prison
 built in your mind
Traded eagle wings for carrion flight
 since freedom wasn't free, and a burden
  to a place called the Shadowland

The land of ghosts
 a parallel universe the phoenix in reverse
  falling to ashes was my curse
In the forest of shadows where vampires exist
 a place dividing dream from nightmare
  the place between a whisper and a scream
       a kiss and a cut
       where pleasure is pain
The land of in betweens
 trapped in the cosmic axis doorways entering the Multiverse

Trapped between here and there
 caught between a prayer and a curse
  between hunter and prey
   laughter and sorrow
    baptism and sin
     union and seperation
  between light and dark
    earth and sky
     silence and sound
The place between love and hate
 insanity and genius
 logic and illusion
You hear between truth and lies
 taste the color between sunrise and sunset
  the feeling between courage and fear
   the force between positive and negative

The place between Blinding Pristine White
and Deepest Darkest Black

The perfect shade of Gray

Existing on the edge of blessed and cursed
 the place between myth and legend
  a world of shadows and madness
   where you fall before regeneration
    the zone between angels and demons
     between somewhere and nowhere
      X marks the spot: You are Here

Lies the color of your soul
 a mixture of spirit and flesh
  here lies the answers that are within you
   between the journey of this life and the next
    between death and birth
Here is where you define your destiny
 and here is where you lead the way
  out of the shadows
Your only escape
 from here til then...

sb 2011
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Le bonheur est salutaire le corps, mais c'est le chagrin qui developpe les forces de l'esprit....

(Happiness is beneficial for the body but it is grief that develops the mind)


January 5, 2011

He Was Rush With It

Slither (2006 film)Image via Wikipedia
These naughty thoughts inside my head are mine
they are yours when you linger
sweet and warn between my legs
and they are perverse with sunday school ancient whispered
secrets that slither and slink like the satan in your
kitchen sink or a cockroach when you turn the light 
on because it's easier to lie in
the dark
i saw her plunging desperation the tri millennial slut miss
jezebel what a scandalous red disaster with her dancing 
all jerky and no shame her eyes never looked away from
your eyes that never left me with your fuck me
gaze so naked and i wanted to kiss your lips so rush with
our hot deception i could taste your poison as my sin and i
suffered in my desire that screamed now now as words tangled
with our bodies and sweat on skin on sweat on your mouth tongue
so fucking urgent now and those words were mine and
they were dirty they dripped with my sick need
and they fell damp beneath your ache like the sweet
slices of cantaloupes by the sink
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January 2, 2011

Inspiring Quotes

Judge Forman (r) awards Albert Einstein his ce...Image via Wikipedia
25 Inspiring Quotes:
I hated every minute of training, but I said, “Don’t quit. Suffer now and live the rest of your life as a champion.”
–Muhammad Ali

“You can have anything you want if you are willing to give up the belief that you can’t have it.”
Robert Anthony

“There is no man living that can not do more than he thinks he can.”
Henry Ford

“Give me a stock clerk with a goal, and I will give you a man who will make history. Give me a man without a goal, and I will give you a stock clerk.”
–J.C. Penny

“The best way to predict the future is to create it.”
–Dr. Forrest C. Shaklee

“It’s not about time, it’s about choices. How are you spending your choices?”
–Beverly Adamo

“Success…seems to be connected with action. Successful people keep moving. They make mistakes, but they don’t quit.”
Conrad Hilton

“That’s precisely the question everyone should be asking—why the hell not?  – Why not you, why not now…”
–Timothy Ferriss
“Intolerance of your present creates your future.”
Mike Murdock
“The dreamers are the saviors of the world.”
– James Allen

“Destiny is not a matter of chance; it’s a matter of choice.”

“The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams.”
–Eleanor Roosevelt

“The quality of a person’s life is in direct proportion to their commitment to excellence, regardless of their chosen field of endeavor.”
Vince Lombardi

“It takes courage to grow up and turn out to be who you really are.”
E.E. Cummings

“It is never too late to be what you might have been.”
–George Eliot

“How does one become a butterfly? You must want to fly so much that you are willing to give up being a caterpillar.”
–Trina Paulus

“Do not let what you can not do; interfere with what you can do.”
John Wooden

“One man with courage makes a majority.”
–Andrew Jackson

“Failure is the opportunity to begin again more intelligently.”
–Henry Ford

“Try not to become a man of success but rather try to become a man of value.”
Albert Einstein

“Nothing great will ever be achieved without great men, and men are great only if they are determined to be so.  For glory gives herself only to those who have always dreamed of her.”
–Charles De Gaulle

“The mind is its own place, and in itself can make a heaven of Hell, a hell of Heaven.”
–John Milton

“You can not retain a true and clear vision of wealth if you are constantly turning your attention to opposing pictures, whether they be external or imaginary.”
Wallace D. Wattles

“Every great story on the planet happened when someone decided not to give up, but kept going no matter what.”
–Spryte Loriano

The creation of a thousand forests is in one acorn.
Ralph Waldo Emerson

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January 1, 2011

Boys Are Just Ho's & Tricks!!

Exclamation MarkImage by aussiegall via Flickr
Some men are just plain fuckable, some are not.
It has more to do with chemistry than looks.
We are all of us prewired to prefer certain "types".

I have gone into that little exposition ad nauseum before, so I'll spare you the neuro-psycho-biological mumbo jumbo & just say there are those who for whatever the reason, we just want.
Exclamation point!

You would fuck him in the rain.
In the dark. Or on a train.
In a car. In a tree.
You would do him everywhere, you see.

In a house. In a box.
With a mouse. Hell, with a fox.
You would eat him here or there.
You would fuck him anywhere!

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