Psycho Culture

Psycho Culture

November 27, 2010

Curse of the Damned

Lost lettersImage via Wikipedia
This is the story of the lost and the damned
Loved nobody and misplaced their faith
Sold their souls so their integrity got slammed
A few were kinda dark and cool
But mostly they were crazy and kinda scary
If you thought they considered you a friend you were a fool
{and one was a serious closet fairy}
For them the world was a cruel shade of blue
Reckoning their sins came at a very high cost
More than this outlaw crew
Could stand to bare, being so cursed and lost
I am not sure if they ever came to realize
They were the reason for their own demise
But really they long ago lost hope
They were just too fucking broke and strung out on dope
Bad Billy peed on the wall
LaLa & Greg ran from the law
And really that is what started it all:

JT did wicked tattoos
Or sold poetry in smoke, you choose
Jason was just no damn good
Started a horrible war simply because he sucked
With his friend Stacy, who was totally misunderstood
He was a dog and thought he was fucked
Mark turned out to be the big theif
Jeff would always be kinda weird and shady
Stef remained in disbelief
To truth.... (and Carla was no lady
She was a sneak and a liar to boot)
Rachel told endless stupid lies
Joe had a job and thought he was cute
Sammy's brain was completely fried
Big Jamie went to jail and found God
Mike was a sociopath, a ZERO
Jimmy played leader to this squad
Jamie ended being no one's hero
Duane was a naked drinker so he had to fight like a pit bull
And Tom was just a serious bitch
Michelle at least was always cool
Steve broke both legs and once flipped his car in a ditch....

This was the crew that made a black pact
With Satan himself, to attend the Monsters Ball
A frightening and horrible fact
To all the world that wished only to see them fall
They sent this last wake up call
Life was hard enough they wished to say
So that is why they met that night and had a suicide ball
The music stopped that dark day
So, fuck you that's all
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November 3, 2010


Your not my friend, you always bring me down

It’s a dead end, and your a fucking clown

You invade my life-

Twist everything around turn my world black

Quattuordecillion of thoughts

Your beginning to make me crack

Chemical imbalance my nerves taught

From the battles, bloodbath of war in zodiac

You threaten me scream your ugly names

While I am holding a knife are you insane

Your throat I wish to slit

Just stop your sick games

You think your a hero and I am a misfit

Want to watch as my knife cuts your skin

Though you made the first cut

What you’ve done to my soul the true sin

Whore, spread your legs, trailer trash, slut

The words that echo through my head

Crystalline fragments of pride

I know it won’t stop until one of us is dead

Set me up on your video camera

Now you threaten me with more lies

Radical concept but your the real hater

I only seek to defend myself and I despise

The role you cast me — trying to make me look bad

Where’s your honor, your integrity, your sad

Your hypocrisy knows no limit

Game over , I’m finished

Going to sit here and smoke a cigarette

Pick myself up again I’ve learned

Keep calm, stay cool, no need to fret

I can’t change a fool

It only adds more fuel

To your insanity

So, fuck it, I will die young and look pretty

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Things Eveeryone Should Know

Things Everyone needs to Know...

I honestly don't understand how one ca go through life without knowing important facts like these!!

1) A crocodile cannot stick it's tongue out
2) Starfish do not have brains
3)Butterflies taste with their feet
4)Cats urine glows under a black light
5) On average people fear spiders more than they do death
6)The strongest muscle in the body is the TONGUE
7)The average human eats eight spiders in their lifetime at night
8) Polar bears are left handed
9)Peanuts are one of the ingredients of dynomite
10)A dragonfly has a lifespan of 24 hours
11) A goldfish has a memory span of three seconds
12) Most lipstick contains fish scales
13) Human thigh bones are stronger than concrete
14)The average person has over 1460 dreams a year
15)There are over one million animal species on earth
16)One in four Americans has appeared on Television
17) A cockroach can live several weeks with it's head cutoff-- it dies from starvation
18) Dolphins sleep with one eye open
19)In ten minutes a hurricane releases more energy than all the nuclear weapons combined
20) On average, a 100 people choke on ballpoint pens a year
21) The average person falls asleep in seven minutes
22) If you keep a goldfish in a dark room eventually it will turn white
23)One person in two billion will live to be older than 116
24) A whale's penis is called a dork

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November 1, 2010


I remember the wicked men of our past
The ones we used to seduce and fuck
In misguided attempts to get what we want
We took risks and hung out in sleazy bars
Went to drive-ins and made out in the backseat of cars
We cruised dick with a violent fever
A hunger like vampires raged forever

I know the same losers now as than
My personal road of hate washed in sin
Of what could have been if not for them
and the scars tattooed on my heart
Of too many lies, rancid stench of desperate good-bye's

So what if everyone thought we were cool
We were whores murdering our souls
With chemicals and porn, cigarettes and orgies
We jazzed  the summer we made the rules
Now it's winter-- we are junkies and fools

Tomorrow lays in the destiny of yesterday
Dreams bled of festering indifference
Rotted and died along the streets where we stay
Youth infected too soon with viral angst and hate
Dormant malignant dread was the fence
Around our putrid soul and we learned too late
The worthless wrong of our existence


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Fuck through the Pain

Hot DamnImage via Wikipedia
I don't need a friend
Fuck the world-- I need a drink
Damn it!
Fuck through the pain
Because life hurts
The world is burning down
Smell the smoke?
The bodies burning?
What to do
Pour gasoline over my head
Sit on the sidewalk
Smoke a cigarette
It's not over
Until we're all dead
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